Ahmad Mohammad AlAli
United States Patent and Trademark Office – US11083510B1 (click here)
The surgical wire twisting tool includes a hollow housing, a plunger, a rotating member, a jaw actuating rod and a hollow cylindrical guide. A portion of the plunger is received within a second end of the hollow housing, and the rotating member is received within the hollow housing, such that a portion of the rotating member projects through a first end of the hollow housing. A pair of jaws are mounted on one end of the jaw actuating rod. The hollow cylindrical guide is received within the hollow housing, such that the other end of the jaw actuating rod projects through a second end of the rotating member and into the hollow cylindrical guide. The plunger slides through a second end of the hollow cylindrical guide to drive movement of the jaw actuating rod. The pair of jaws may be rotated with respect to the hollow housing, and also locked.